My name is Mariam Eskandar …
And I have a message to deliver to the world, through my words and my life journey in Example...
My messages are:
-That people realize who they really are
-That life here on Earth Expands in waves of Love, Compassion, Peace and Growth
-That people reach their dreams easily
-That people reach their Inner Voices
-That people reach their true calling for their life experience
My message will be clear, in variety, Simple words, different subjects but always the Main topic 'better life' enhancing the Quality of Living.
you will find my words on
-Instagram account @4purplelightblog4 with a day to day stories and blogs
-Painting Instagram account @8purplelightpaintings8
-Now I am also on YouTube
-My words here in the blog
-My pictures Books for free download in here
-My written Books for free download in here
-Podcast Art of living